Forgive Your Father

Father's day is coming up later this month.

How do you feel about your father?

Whether your father is still alive or not, whether you're estranged or have a great relationship - no parent is perfect.

We often hold onto unresolved grievances from the past that we're barely aware of, yet these old, buried feelings can have a detrimental affect on the quality of our relationships, as well as impact our physical and mental health.

On-line Masterclass led by bestselling author & forgiveness specialist coach, Barbara J Hunt.

Sunday 12th June 2022

@ 7:00pm-8:30pm UK

11:00am-12:30pm PT / 2:00pm-3:30pm ET

8:00pm-9:30pm CET

In this practical and experiential workshop Barbara will guide you through her Forgiveness Made Easy process, so you can begin to transform the quality of your relationship with your father and come to a place of peace with your past.

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