In remembrance of all the victims of war, those who sacrificed their lives, and to honour future generations, I choose to pledge my heart to peace. I will hold a vision of a world without war.

"We cannot end war in the world without first ending the war in our own hearts."
Thich Nhat Hanh

For the sake of peace, I choose to free myself of my anger, hatred and resentment. I choose to release an old grievance and lay my inner weapons down. I choose to surrender the shield over my own heart. I choose to grieve what has been lost. I choose to let my heart open again. I choose to forgive.

Please join me, Barbara J Hunt, forgiveness author and coach, in the Forgiveness Field:

"Out beyond ideas
of rightdoing and wrongdoing
There is a field
I'll meet you there"

This is my LIVE Masterclass where I will guide you through my 7-step Forgiveness Made Easy process. Choose something from your past that you wish to let go of. Make peace in your heart in 90 minutes or less.

Remembrance Sunday Forgiveness Field Masterclass


8.00pm-9.30pm UK

12 noon PT / 3pm ET / 9pm CET via Zoom

No experience necessary, just a little willingess. But if you have experienced significant trauma, please book a 1:1 session instead.

Dedicate your forgiveness as an act of amnesty for the whole of humanity.

Your donation towards my work is welcomed and I will donate part of the proceeds to Loving Humanity - a charity that works with women & girls in dire poverty and in war zones.